
Grounded in intersectional relational practice and working with LGBTQIA+ clients since 2014 in a gentle and invitational way, it’s my hope – wherever you are in your therapy journey – that you’ll leave feeling you understand and accept yourself better, and more connected to your agency.

J. Chance Czyzselska

  • No matter where we are in our lives, many of us find ourselves facing challenges that disrupt our sense of emotional wellbeing. Whether we feel we’re in crisis, anxious, stuck, depressed or unable to live life to our fullest potential, whether we’re having difficulty in intimate relationships, with friends, at work or with family members, each of us has a unique story that requires an equally unique approach with a qualified and sensitive therapist.

    My belief is that we heal through relationship, so my intention is that through our time working together I will listen to you and offer insights to support you to become more deeply connected to the person you want to be. It’s easy to lose sight of this fundamental human need if emotional and physical trauma, loss and others’ disregard for our unique identities make us feel worn down, anxious and overwhelmed. My therapeutic approach is integrative and relational, which is to say that I integrate aspects of different theoretical approaches into our work, paying attention to what is going on between us and adapt to the particular needs of each client. I am gentle and invitational and I also welcome and offer challenge. The psychotherapeutic theories that infuse my work are attachment, object relations, psychodynamic, existential, body psychotherapy, trauma. I also practice Lifespan Integration Therapy, which draws on and blends attachment and trauma theories and offers a more structured approach to working with therapy goals. I offer short (3 months minimum) and long-term weekly therapy and suggest we decide together on what might work best for you in the initial consultation.

  • I am passionate about providing a space of holding for LGBTQIA+ clients from which a deeper self knowledge and healing can be realised. I love working at depth with clients who are ready to take the courageous step to become more intimate with themselves, whether you're in crisis or in need of the company of another mind and heart to be alongside you as you learn how to live in greater alignment with yourself and your values. I am sensitive to the energetic and psychological toll on queer, trans and POC bodyminds and other lived experiences that are not valued and frequently othered. I am also a writer and editor and worked in the arts and media industries for over twenty years, and was the editor of DIVA magazine from 2004-2017, so I’ve been embedded in LGBTQIA+ communities and lives for many years. I also understand the particular kinds of pressures experienced by those who work as writers, authors, artists, editors, academics and journalists; in media, modelling, fashion, film, TV, and the literary and visual arts. I recently co-wrote and edited Queering Psychotherapy (Karnac, 2022), a book which aims to infuse the profession of psychotherapy with a deeper awareness of intersectionality. I am passionate about being a part of and supporting queer and trans community and activism and am engaged in ongoing study and practice of anti-racism and and anti-oppressive practices. I am a student of personal inquiry with The Diamond Approach

  • I trained at The Minster Centre in London and obtained a Diploma in Integrative Counselling and a Masters in Integrative Psychotherapy. My dissertation explored the experiences of intersex clients in therapy. I am a registered member of the BACP. I am a clinical associate of Pink Therapy and I’m on the organising team of The Relational School

  • If you would like to contact me to arrange an initial consultation or to ask any questions you may have, you can email me at My session fee is £90 for 50 minutes. So that I can offer therapy to clients who are low waged or unwaged, the higher cost slots enable me to offer a range of low cost slots when possible, so please ask about this if needed.

    If you would like to contact me to arrange an initial consultation or to ask any questions you may have, you can email me at